Your people are your greatest resource. One way to be sure your business will succeed is to look after your employees. The team which takes care of this important task i.e. direct from hiring to firing is the Human Resource (HR) team. HR team activity has many sections i.e. staffing & development, compensation to employees, safety and health, employee relations, etc.
One of the toughest KRA of an HR team member is handling of the ex-employees well. This activity is concerned as a minor activity but with the current age of networking and social media, a minor hiccup can toss the reputation of organization. A delayed documentation process or compensation process will not only end up with grumbled ex-employee but also demotivates the current working members.
Taking the above issues in stock, we have developed a software ‘ExempO’ which can handle all the concerns of an ex-employee. The software details the timelines for actions, issues soft copy the letters, details about PF forms to be filled, and much more.
Employee leaving the organization can log into the software and view all the details with raising of queries if any and give feedback for the company or seniors to act upon. This pleasant effortless relieving process helps in great deal for a happy ex-employee and improving the reputation of the organization socially
feel free to fill-in the below form and our representative will connect with you or reach out to 9911543221.